Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I seriously LOVE Wednesday's! Wednesday's are my hubby's Friday so that means I get two days while 10 and 7 are in school all alone with my babe.  Yep,  9 is no longer 9 ~ he turned 10 in January. Since the weather has been better and we both are sickness free we started up our hiking again last week on hubby's weekend. It was wonderful to be outside, but man on the first day we could barely make it up our first incline. It was pretty pathetic! Seriously ~ me 38, and my young buck at 36, and we had to stop midway to catch our breath. My legs were shaking and both our hearts were beating so hard in our chest. But at least we were pathetic together. So what is your favorite day of the week?

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. Some alone time with the hubster is always a good thing.


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