Friday, February 5, 2010

A Good Laugh

So last week on Facebook was celebrity look a like week ~ or perhaps it was the week before and I was totally way behind! Anyway, I had no idea who I even looked like and asked my hubby for advice so I could play along. "You totally look like Elizabeth Perkins" was his reply instantly. She's cute and my hubby has this thing for older women ~ He LOVES Diane Lane, Dana Delaney... you get my drift. I was hoping for Audrey Hepburn, or Natalie Portman, but Elizabeth is cute. Now you have to imagine me with my long hair again and no glasses. Do you see it? One of my friends on FB had stated that she had gone on website to find her look a like by actually downloading a photo for comparison ~ so late night I was feeling good and completely bored and took a shot at it. I did multiple photo's (the website suggested it and said "see who keeps coming up and that's your celebrity twin). Giddy with anticipation.... my celebrity twin was JAMES SPADER! AHH HAHA HA! LOVED IT! We do look quite alike no? It's terribly funny to me too, because I think he's pretty hot, not now, but especially back in his Pretty in Pinks days, and my hubby thinks he's pretty gross! I can't wait to share this info with him today. He'll now know HE'S SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY!!!! So give yourself a giggle today and go to and try it out and let me know who your celebrity look a like is. Hope you have a good laugh!

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