Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We Did It!

YES ~ We did it! Our stuff is finally out of storage and here in the cabin! Yay! My hubby's folks paid us a visit since 9 and 6 are out all this week for Mid Winter Break. We made two trips to storage ~ first with me, hubby, and 9. We loaded all but 5 of the boxes as well as the hutch/buffet. Then the second trip was me, hubby, 6 (to supervise), and fabulous Father~in~law, for the rest of the furniture! We couldn't of done it without his help! And fabulous Mother~in~law watched over the cabin and feed the troops with some yummy grub! Awwww ~ so nice to sleep in my wonderful bed last night! Four months on an air mattress equals NO GOOD! So now the real chore will begin! Getting organized, and reducing our stuff to the local Goodwill! But first things first ~ got to clean up this place and get the furniture exactly where we want it.


  1. YAY! Congratulations! :)

  2. YAY!! I am so excited for you and the family. =0)miss you like crazy <3

  3. Aw, your new home looks lovely. Even with all those boxes. How exciting for you!


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